Thursday, April 23, 2009

Simple Success Strategies For A Productive Spring

Spring is here and with it comes the opportunity for renewal and a little spring cleaning.

Spring cleaning is for more than the attic or garage it's for your personal attic or garage mentally and physically. Are you holding on to old assumptions or feelings like that sweater you never wear? Do you have clutter and chaos all around you? Have you been physically lethargic, watching the pounds add on like the old newspapers piling up in your office?

This time of year is the perfect time to put your life and/or business in order. By playing off of the overall feeling of renewal you can renew your commitments to yourself, your health, your business, your family or even the back of your closet.

Clutter around you creates clutter within you.

Here are five ways to overcome the clutter and renew yourself this Spring.

1- Seriously examine what thoughts, assumptions or feelings you may be carrying around that are not serving you and see if you can practice getting rid of them. Start slowly but commit to something.
2- Take that mindset to your home office, your closet or any room in your house. What newspapers, magazines, papers or mail is stacked up waiting for the recycling bin or the circular file? What if you simply tossed them? What about the clothes you don't wear? Are there people in your community who may benefit from your spring cleaning?
3-Examine your New Year's Resolutions or goals for this year. Are you moving forward toward any of them or have they slipped away? What if you committed to one step toward one goal for the week ahead?
4-Examine what day-to-day tasks are wasting time and how you can streamline them? Maybe start a van pool or car pool for the kids or fellow employees to take the commuting burden away.
5-Finally, pick one important project to focus your full attention on. Do everything within your power to complete this one project. And then enjoy the feeling of accomplishment that you deserve and pick the next project to move onto. Take them step-by-step one project at a time.

Remember it is better to have one project that is complete and successful than 10 that are incomplete and all over the place.

Don't forget to celebrate your wins. This acknowledgment will make it easier to move onto the next project.

Finally, feel free to ask for help! Everyone needs an accountability buddy to help them move forward.